Why You Should Be A Kolbe Certified™ Consultant | March 13th at 12 PM ET

Clients & Testimonials

Kolbe “Changed My Life and My Business.”

— Michael Roby

Is the Kolbe A Index Worth it?

  • "The Kolbe A has affected my life in a humongous way. It facilitated a career change. I have Kolbe As on friends. I have Kolbe As on Family. I’m doing what I’m doing today because of Kolbe Corp, because of Kathy Kolbe, because of Kolbe Wisdom, because of the Kolbe A."

    Jason Cupp 7292
    Jason Cupp (7-2-9-2), Growth Consultant, Kincaide, LTD
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  • Kolbe “absolutely transformed the way the staff worked together…It works to make us a better team, and it enables us to work better together.”

    Liz Wilson (5-4-7-5), Special Services Director, The Salvation Army
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man presenting at CNS
“The day I got my Kolbe results was one of the most liberating days of my life. My productivity shot through the roof!”
Dan Sullivan, CEO, Strategic Coach
“I found great validation in who I am instinctively when I reviewed my Kolbe results. It immediately showed me why I was labeled a misfit…in school. If I had taken the Kolbe Index at a young age, I might have been able to avoid, or at least better understand, many problems I encountered in school.”
Robert Kiyosaki, Author "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"
"The clouds parted, the sun shone down and angels began singing, because I finally understood why I did things the way I did them."
Phil Dyer, Executive VP of BoldHaus
"When I read my results for the first time, honestly, I cried. I was overcome with a sense of relief that I could stop trying to fix the part of me that so many people insisted was wrong."
Angelique Rewers, Founder and CEO of BoldHaus

Our Clients

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“I wish I had known Kolbe in my younger years.”
Jessica Mogill, Head of Coaching Strategy, Crisp
Kolbe Certified Consultant Explains why it's worth it to take the Kolbe Index and become a Kolbe Certified Consultant
"Kolbe has quickly helped me elevate my business and significantly impact my clients.”
Kari Gillenwater, Owner, Gillenwater Consulting Group
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“Kolbe gives you a lot of freedom from the pain that comes from expecting the wrong thing from other people.”
Dan Aberhart, Managing Partner, Aberhart Ag Solutions
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“After ten years, I couldn’t imagine not using Kolbe.”
Deidre Koppelman, Founder, PEAR Core Solutions
Dana Anspach - Kolbe Corp Testimonial
“For me, Kolbe was incredibly liberating. Prior to Kolbe I thought something was wrong with me!”
Dana Anspach, Founder, Sensible Money
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“Kolbe changed my life, and it changed my business.”
Michael Roby, Managing Partner, Michael Roby Consulting
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“Everything is measurable and repeatable, and it just works.”
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Brian Alexander, Founder, Expressing the Genius Within
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"Kolbe is the blueprint to people and how they operate.”
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Amy Riccardi, CEO, Leadership Evolutions Group, LLC
Kelley Lujan - Kolbe Corp Testimonial Screen Grab
“This is your biggest unfair advantage.”
Kelley Lujan, Strategic Optimizer, Elevation 180

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