Why You Should Be A Kolbe Certified™ Consultant | March 13th at 12 PM ET

Frequently Asked Questions

Simply put, what is the Kolbe Index Assessment / Test?

The Kolbe A™ Index (Kolbe Test), sometimes known as the Instincts Test, is a 36-question assessment that measures your instinctive way of doing things, and the result is called your MO (method of operation). It is the only validated assessment that measures a person’s conative strengths. Unlike any other assessments or quizzes you’ve taken, Kolbe gets directly at how people execute (not their IQ or personality).

How long does it take to complete the Kolbe?

Most people complete the Kolbe Index in about 10 to 15 minutes.

Should I take the Kolbe A™ Index more than once? I took it a long time ago. If I take the Index a second time will I get a different result?

It is rare to have a Kolbe Index result change significantly upon retake. Studies show this happens less than 12% of the time, unless the original result shows “Transition,” or the temporary inability to report how you naturally take action.

Results that do change are generally because a person desires a different one for some reason. Research shows that the first result is the most accurate because it is less influenced by such desires.

If you take the Kolbe A Index a second time because of a Transition result, the second (if it does not also show Transition) will be the truer picture of your natural abilities.

I just completed a Kolbe Index and my result said I was "In Transition." What the heck is that?

Don’t be alarmed. Most of us go through periods just like this from time to time. The result indicates that you are not able to work in a way that is natural for you. You’ve adopted methods to satisfy others’ expectations (because of professional or perhaps personal change), and you don’t give yourself permission to do things your way. This can be stressful; re-examination of your methods and motives is in order. Once the underlying conditions leading to this conflict are gone, a retest should give you a reliable and valuable assessment of your natural talents. To retake a Kolbe A Index after receiving a Transition result, you should call us at (602) 840-9770, for a free retake. Please provide the name of the person who completed the Index and the username.

Can people "mess with the test" or manipulate their responses to get a desired, rather than truthful result?

We certainly cannot stop people from trying to manipulate their result. However, one of the strengths of the Kolbe Index result is that it picks up the inconsistencies which are highly likely to occur when a person does not answer truthfully. It is extremely difficult to select an answer that would cause you to perform less effectively in an attempt to “look better.” If people believe that getting a job, for instance, requires that they answer contrary to who they are, they would also have to perform against their grain should they get the job. Therefore, this inappropriate effort in taking the Kolbe Index, when detected by our algorithms, results in prospective employers receiving a warning that the job candidate needs to retake the Index before being considered for employment. An individual result, in these situations, indicates the inconsistencies and lack of ability to predict performance based upon them. This has proven to be valuable information in the selection process, for both employers and employees. If your Index result indicates Transition, you can order a CD or audio download with Kathy Kolbe discussing Transition results.

Does it matter where I take the Kolbe Index?

No, not at all. Your answers will be just as accurate whether you compete the Index at home, work, school, on vacation or in a sauna.

Is there a free version of the Kolbe Index?

No, the Kolbe Index is not free. If anybody is offering you the Kolbe A™ Index for free online, it’s likely not real. There’s only one source of validated conative assessment in the world, and it’s Kolbe Corp.

Can you use the Predictive Index™ or the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, or CliftonStrengths or DiSC with the Kolbe A Index? Are they compatible or do they measure the same thing?

The Predictive Index and Myers-Briggs assessments measure traits falling within the affective (feeling) part of the mind — entirely different qualities than the Kolbe (which is a measure of the conative, doing, domain), so they do not provide redundant information. Assessment tools for the affective domain and the Kolbe Index identify entirely different human characteristics. If the instrument asks questions related to any of the following, it will gather information related to the affective domain:

  • Desires
  • Preferences
  • Social Style
  • Values
  • Beliefs
  • Personality
  • Attitude


An accurate prediction of affective behavior will describe what a person WANTS or WISHES would happen. Knowing that desires can change over time, authors Myers and Briggs recognized that their instrument (the MBTI) ought not to be used for selection. Such instruments generally have around 44% test-retest reliability.

An accurate prediction of conative behavior will describe how a person naturally takes action when striving. Instincts are innate and do not change over time, so a valid assessment of this domain would have much greater reliability. The Kolbe A Index has proven its reliability of over 90%, making it the most reliable selection tool on the market today.

Conative and affective tools can both play important roles in team success. Kolbe WAREwithal® software predicts how people will act, react and interact. It doesn’t identify whom they want to be with or whether they approve of behaviors or value similar attributes; these are affective issues. The Predictive Index can help explain why people like or dislike each other. The Kolbe Index explains how those people will naturally work together and the potential roadblocks they will encounter when collaborating.

Is the Kolbe Test Worth It?

“I found great validation in who I am instinctively when I reviewed my Kolbe results. It immediately showed me why I was labeled a misfit…in school. If I had taken the Kolbe Index at a young age, I might have been able to avoid, or at least better understand, many problems I encountered in school.” — Robert Kiyosaki, Author “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”

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