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New Reports for TeamSuccess

November 17, 2021

  • Kolbe Wisdom
  • Teams

We’re so excited to share new developments to help team leaders thrive using the power of instinctive strengths. Over the past year, we’ve enhanced the Kolbe TeamSuccess® Solutions Team Optimization report, and now, we have released powerful new companion reports specifically for team leaders.

Introducing a Full Suite of Kolbe TeamSuccess Solutions Reports

The TeamSuccess Solutions reports offer straightforward information about how a team thrives and where there may be roadblocks for collaboration and productivity. You will see how everybody on the team naturally takes action and how they can best operate as a team.  New interactive worksheets and reports designed for team leaders will help you strategically combine talents and manage a winning team. Help guide a team beyond the Identify focus area of The Kolbe System into Optimize and Align.


You may have already started using the Team Optimization Report introduced at KolbeCon 2020 — but it’s now even better. In addition to Action Modes® specific tips for maximizing team performance, we’ve introduced a new worksheet to help a leader guide every person on their team through the optimization process. This report shows each team member how everybody naturally takes action and how they can best operate as a team.

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This new report written specifically for a team leader includes a personalized interpretation of the leader’s strengths and actionable advice for avoiding stress and collaborating more effectively.  The Optimization Report helps the leader maximize their way of getting things done, and helps make decisions about who should be doing certain tasks on the team.

This report’s special focus is on the leader and the leader’s strengths; where they will thrive with the key leadership tasks.

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As a leader, it is important to know, are people really well suited for what they are tasked with? You may look at performance and identify the ‘star’ players, however if they are working against their grain that is not sustainable long term.

This new alignment report diagnoses areas of conative stress and job misalignment on a team. There is advice for the leader about who to prioritize on the journey to maximize job fit and also helps leaders discover their team’s sweet spot by matching roles with the leader’s expectations.

If you have alignment issues in your team these are not only highlighted in this report but you are also provided with solutions.

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These reports have been designed specifically for leaders to take the information and put it into play immediately all on their own.  We also have a lot of leaders that come to us and say, “Hey, I want some help implementing this. I want to make sure that I’ve got someone who’s kind of my coach in how to get this done most effectively.” – Contact us to customize a team session for you.


The Kolbe System is the only program measuring conation and how people take action. Follow our proven and comprehensive system to get immediately actionable advice on personal productivity, team performance, job alignment & hiring.

    Posted in:
  • Kolbe Wisdom
  • Teams


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