Optimize Team Performance

“Dream Teams” don’t just happen, and teams with the best players don’t always win. Kolbe’s assessments and team workshops will help you empower people to be at their best when you need them the most.

1. Start by Identifying Instinctive Strengths (Take the Kolbe A Index)

It’s critical to know how your people are going to get things done – in the office or while working from home. Identify your team’s strengths by getting Kolbe A™ Index results for everyone.

Unlike traditional assessments, Kolbe Indexes focus on how team members naturally approach tasks and work, rather than their intelligence or personality. You get immediately actionable advice to grow a team and be more productive with less pain.

2. Optimize the Strengths of Your Team

Once you’ve identified everybody’s instinctive strengths, use Kolbe’s interactive workshops and webinars to maximize teamwork and strategically combine talents.

  • Improve communication & collaboration among team members
  • Eliminate frustrating, long & unproductive meetings
  • Create a culture of respect, accountability & performance

Suite of Customized Reports for Team Building

Kolbe TeamSuccess® Solutions Team Optimization Report
This report shows each team member how everybody on the team naturally takes action and how they can best operate as a team. Team Optimization Report (Sample)
TSS report sample
This report helps the leaders maximize their way of getting things done, and helps make decisions about what other people on the team should be doing certain tasks. Optimization Report for Leaders (Sample)
TSS report sample
This report diagnoses areas of conative stress and job misalignment on a team with advice for the leader about who to prioritize on the journey to maximize job fit. Alignment Report for Leaders (Sample)

Kolbe Indexes & Team Building Experiences

Group Activities With Lasting Impact


Buy a 5 Pack of Kolbe A Index credits for your team.

  • Includes 1 FREE Kolbe Coaching Report
  • Get Immediately Actionable Advice
  • Identify how each person naturally takes action
  • Learn how to focus your time and energy

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In-person workshop to maximize teamwork & combine strengths.

  • Full or half-day options
  • Kolbe Indexes for each attendee
  • Comparison's reports for each attendee
  • Team & Leader Optimization Reports
  • TeamSuccess Seminar Workbooks
  • Private Coaching Session for Team Lead
balexander screenshot
“Everything is measurable and repeatable, and it just works.”
5483 mo
Brian Alexander, Founder, Expressing the Genius Within
screenshot of testimonial
"Kolbe is the blueprint to people and how they operate.”
6382 mo
Amy Riccardi, CEO, Leadership Evolutions Group, LLC
Kelley Lujan - Kolbe Corp Testimonial Screen Grab
“This is your biggest unfair advantage.”
Kelley Lujan, Strategic Optimizer, Elevation 180

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“The guessing game is over for people who use the Kolbe System™. Studies show a correlation of over 90% between predicted and actual team success. Such predictive validity is dramatically higher with Kolbe than with any other technique or test.”

Ryan Thomas, Ph.D.

woman demonstrating

One-size-fits-all advice doesn’t work for teams!

There are different types of teams and our advice is always tailored to your team. If you don’t know how your team truly operates, you won’t be an effective leader. Kolbe’s free Team Collaboration Survey is a quick way to determine which type of team you’re dealing with and offers customized Leadership Tips designed to boost productivity immediately.

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